Engineers Alliance for the Arts: Student Impact Project Calling for Volunteers

ENGINEERS ALLIANCE FOR THE ARTS (EAA) facilitates a unique bridge-building program in San Francisco and throughout the Bay Area. EAA is looking for volunteer engineers, architects, design and construction professionals to fill the teaching spots for our 2021 program. This is a great opportunity to give back to the community — particularly to inspire high school students to potentially pursue engineering or design in college — and also to polish your knowledge of bridge design and construction. This teaching opportunity is open to professionals at all levels, whether you are new to the industry, a tenured professional or retired.

If you are new to the program, don’t worry! They will provide you with weekly curriculum, teaching guides, training videos and extensive support from the Student Impact Project Team. EAA will also host an Orientation Meeting to give you program information and an opportunity to meet your volunteer team members and high school teacher. The time commitment is about 2–3 hours per week (includes teaching and preparation).

Please contact EAA’s Executive Director Michelle Lehman at if you are interested in participating. For more information about the program, check out their website here.

Even if you can’t participate this year, please help spread the word to coworkers and other engineers or architects you may know. 

Volunteer/Teacher Orientation: Wednesday, January 27, 2021, 6pm
Zoom link will be sent to  all participants.
8-Week Program: February – May

With just a few hours of your time, you can help build the future of your industry.

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