Design Awards Submission Form - AIA - East Bay Chapter

Design Awards Submission Form

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Submission Catagory
Depending on submissions, not all categories may be represented in the final awards distribution. Judges reserve the right to move projects or combine categories as they see fit. FIND DETAILS FOR EACH CATEGORY:

Primary Contact:

Architect of Record:

AIA East Bay Member?

Project Location:

The project address is kept confidential (staff only).
Uploading Your Submission:
All submittal materials shall be in a consistent visual size/layout format of 1920 X 1080 pixels, landscape oriented where possible. In addition, every submission must include the below project specifications on page 1, being mindful to omit firm/architect names, emails, phone numbers, or other identifying text or images as all judging is anonymous. Failure to comply will result in disqualification. Page 1 should include:

  • Project Name
  • Project Category
  • Project Location: City, State
  • Completion date
  • Cost
  • Descriptive project data (300 words maximum)

AIA FRAMEWORK FOR DESIGN EXCELLENCE: Describe how your project meets any of the 10 framework elements. We encourage you to list as many as applicable up to 200 words per each framework item.

SUSTAINABILITY CERTIFICATION TARGET: Is this project targeting LEED, ZNE, Living Building Challenge, FitWell or other? Include a few sentence to describe this effort.

PAGE LIMITS: 11 maximum pages, including first page project description. There is no limit to the number of images, graphics, or text per page. Layout and presentation are at the submitters' discretion in using their best efforts to present their project).

Before You Submit: Please complete all requested information. All required fields must be completed. Please be sure the information appears EXACTLY as you wish to see it published and listed on the awards certificates. Check the spelling of names. Complete and submit all parts of the project submission, along with payment of entry fees, by the due date.

Have questions? Refer to the Submittal Eligibility Guidelines here

Before You Submit: Please complete all requested information. All required fields must be completed. Please be sure the information appears EXACTLY as you wish to see it published and listed on the awards certificates. Check the spelling of names. Complete and submit all parts of the project submission, along with payment of entry fees, by the due date.
Have questions? Refer to the Submittal Eligibility Guidelines here
Click or drag a file to this area to upload.
One file in PDF format. Note maximum file size cannot exceed 15 Mb

Client Consent - submitter has the consent of their client to enter this project into this competition.
Consent Confirmation:
Photos/Materials Consent - submitter has the consent of photographers and others whose work is included in this submission to enter this project into this competition. .
Consent Confirmation
Anything else you'd like us to know about this project? Other contributors, partners etc. put it here.

Submission Fee

Choose Submission Fee:
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