Sanjana Parekh
Nominee’s Statement: “The real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking new landscapes, but in having new eyes.” – Marcel Proust
I stand by this mindset, bringing a curious voice of the youth with the right sense of awareness to all aspects of my involvement with the AIA East Bay.
I am honored to stand for re-election to the AIA East Bay Board of Directors. Since joining in 2021, I have actively engaged with the chapter, contributing to programs that reflect my passion for impactful, community-oriented initiatives. As a licensed architect in India and a Designer/ Job Captain in the Bay Area, my global experience includes a primary focus on residential work, along with exposure to commercial, institutional, and hospice projects. In my professional work, I strive to create contextually relevant and engaging spaces to enhance human experiences through design. I apply the same outlook to bring purposeful initiatives to the chapter.
During my current Board tenure (2023-2025), I have consistently encouraged that our programs address the diverse needs of professionals at different stages of their careers. As the Chair of the AIA East Bay Design Awards Committee, I have meticulously planned and led efforts to celebrate design excellence within our chapter, ensuring our members’ creativity is honored. Working with a talented team, we revamped, revitalized, and elevated the entire concept of the event in an effort to bring a new lens and lend new significance to how members connect with it. Through my involvement in the AIA East Bay Home Tours, I have sought to connect our profession with the broader community, showcasing architecture’s role in shaping our environment.
With a global perspective and commitment to inclusivity and integrity, I am passionate about continuing to advance the profession through inclusive professional growth, supporting emerging architects, promoting diversity, addressing environmental challenges, and advocating for initiatives that enhance the East Bay community’s progress.
If re-elected, I will continue to work diligently to ensure our chapter remains a dynamic, resourceful, innovative, and collaborative community for our members.
Here’s to Four counties, One community!
Thank you for your consideration.
AIA Community Engagement:
AIA East Bay Board Member- 2023-2025
AIA East Bay Home Tours Committee Member and Volunteer- 2022, 2023
AIA East Bay Design Awards Committee Member- 2022
AIA East Bay Design Awards Committee Chair- 2023, 2024
AIA National Conference, San Francisco 2023- Conference Attendee
AIA East Bay Mentorship Training Program – Fall 2024 Mentor
Daniel Mason
Nominee’s Statement: For over 14 years I have been East Bay rooted, raising a young family in North Oakland and currently working as a Senior Associate at Pyatok Architects in Oakland where the focus is on design of housing for all. I have been active as a volunteer at the AIA East Bay the past several years, first as a mentor for two sessions of the AIAEB 5x5x5 program and then as a graduate of the inaugural class of mentors from the fantastic AIAEB mentor training program.
During my professional practice journey over the past 25+ years, I have been fortunate to service project typologies from hospitality to museums and single-family to multi-family. I have hung my own shingle and worked in firms as large as sixty people. My professional interests span from high-quality design of inclusive spaces to innovation within project delivery and streamlining organizational operations.
Through this range of experience and lens of practice diversity, I submit my qualifications for a director seat on the AIA East Bay Board. Given the opportunity, I will act as a committed steward of the organization, helping to implement in-progress and guide un-started aspects of the AIA East Bay strategic plan. I will aim to foster collaboration within the organization and outside with allied professionals to craft relevant programming, adding value to members. With your support, I look forward to an opportunity to give back to the profession that I care for deeply.
AIA Community Engagement:
AIA East Bay 5x5x5 program – 2-time mentor volunteer
AIA East Bay – Graduate – Inaugural class of the Mentorship Training Program
AIA SF – 2-time moderator on innovative construction techniques panel