Sponsor - AIA - East Bay Chapter


Sustaining Partner / Sponsorship

Start helping to sustain the AIA East Bay throughout the year. Your support is part of every event, every communication to our community with plenty of flexibility to meet your needs.

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Advertising on the AIA East Bay website is a great way to reach architects and design professionals and the general public and reinforce your marketing message. With over 50,000 visits per year, these highly engaged professionals spend on average nearly 3 minutes on site pages. Plenty of time to see your ad and build awareness of your offering.


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AIA East Bay offers many opportunities to share your brand with our membership.

  1. Delivers your message directly to the inbox of 6,000+ decision-makers on a regular basis
  2. In addition to AIAEB members, opt-in subscription means that professionals in the market for your products and services see your message
  3. Frequently forwarded to others for additional exposure
  4. Directs visitors to the landing page of your choice to facilitate the purchasing process
  5. Limited available ad space makes each position exclusive
  6. All advertisements are subject to approval and availability
Members – $75 per issue (Annual $750)
Non-members – $150 per issue (Annual $1500)

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Platinum Sustaining Partner

Gold Sponsor

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