Walnut Creek is Recruiting for Design Review Commission and the Board of Appeals - AIA - East Bay Chapter

Walnut Creek is Recruiting for Design Review Commission and the Board of Appeals

Civic-minded residents of Walnut Creek are encouraged to apply to fill vacant spots on the  City’s Design Review Commission and the Board of Appeals. The current openings would fill  terms that will end on February 28, 2028. 

The Design Review Commission reviews and makes recommendations to the Planning  Commission on applications for design review, takes action on applications for sign permits  and/or master sign programs, when such applications are not included with the application for  design review, and recommends to the Planning Commission and City Council standards and  policies for the design of buildings, signs and other structures in the City.  

The Board of Appeals is established to hear and decide appeals of notices, orders, decisions, or  determinations made by the Building Official regarding the application and interpretation of the  California Building Standards Code and the Municipal Code. 

Applicants for both positions must be registered voters, but City residency is not required. For  the Design Review commission, the individual must also be a registered architect. For the Board  of Appeals, the applicant should be qualified by experience and training to pass on matters  pertaining to building construction and specifically knowledgeable in the California Building  Standards Code and applicable local ordinances. This vacancy is for an alternate member.  

Advisory commissions serve and important role in the City of Walnut Creek, and give residents  a first-hand perspective and involvement in shaping the City’s future. A complete listing of the  Design Review Commission’s duties can be found in Sections 2-1.501 through 2-1.504 of the  Walnut Creek Municipal Code. (https://www.codepublishing.com/CA/WalnutCreek/) and  Section 9-0.5.401 for the Board of Appeals. 

The deadline to apply is 5:00 p.m. on Monday, February 24, 2025.  

The City Council will select applicants to invite for interviews on March 4. Interviews will take  place on March 18, and appointments are expected to be made at the conclusion of the  interviews. Apply online and get more information on the City’s website. (https://www.walnutcreekca.gov/)

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