COTE: Resilient by Design Challenge

Thursday, July 19, 2018
Free and open to all.

Ben Levi gives a presentation of Ratcliff Architect’s explorations into issues raised by the Resilient by Design Bay Area Challenge competition.

“Resilience,” like sustainability, is difficult to define, yet everyone is talking about how to build or maintain it. So, what is resilience really, and is it a useful concept or a meaningless buzzword?

Why is it that when we talk about resilience, we immediately think scary thoughts about disaster and disturbance? Can we think about resilience in terms of renewal and innovative thinking?

Inspired by the recent Resilient by Design Bay Area Challenge competition, which took place in our own “Bay(k)yard”, a small group of us at Ratcliff embarked on a six-month long exploration to find answers to some of these questions. We invite you to join us for this presentation/conversation to discuss some of the things we’ve learned about the overwhelming complexity of issues and many dimensions of resilience, a surface of which we feel we’ve only began to scratch.


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